
COVID19 Updates

The following information pertains to students planning to enroll or currently enrolled in the California Community Colleges.

High School Students Planning to Enroll

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The enrollment process is fully automated at all California community colleges.  You can start by visiting the CCCApply website. And, although the physical campus might be closed, colleges are prepared to offer all student services virtually. After you enroll the college will contact you with resources, and offer on-line and telephone appointments with counselors to discuss you educational and career goals. 

Colleges are considering or currently undergoing a transition to use simulation software in place of in-person training for vocational programs. Colleges that are still offering in-person training will practice local or State social distancing guidelines. 

For students enrolling in the summer: Students that have not taken online courses previously should communicate with their instructors and college counselors to request additional support and resources. All campuses have put in place additional resources and personnel to support students transitioning to online instruction, including added support for students with learning disabilities.  

Grants and Financial Aid

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  1. Community College Promise Grants: There is no impact to eligibility for the Promise Grants, and no penalty if a Promise Grant recipient is unable to complete all attempted coursework in a single semester. 
  2. California College Promise Program: Students that typically are not eligible for other types of financial aid may be eligible for a waiver of enrollment fees if they qualify as “first-year, first-time” students. As of today the law required students to maintain full-time status to retain eligibility from term to term. There is some flexibility on the number of units for students with disabilities. 
  3. Student Success and Completion Grant: Students must be taking either 12 units or 14 units at the time of payment. If the student reduces the number of units after being paid for the term, there is no impact for that term, or for following terms. 

Currently Enrolled Students

Online Course Resources
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Students that have not taken online courses previously should communicate with their instructors and college counselors to request additional support and resources. All campuses have put in place additional resources and personnel to support students transitioning to online instruction, including added support for students with learning disabilities.

If you have time to learn more about preparing for online instruction, visit the Student Resources page at the California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative website. If you’re a tech-savvy student, get familiar with the community college’s online course management system, Canvas!

On-Campus Jobs
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Federal Work Study:  The U.S. Department of Education has authorized payment of Work Study wages regardless of whether a student is actually working. For students enrolled and performing FWS at a campus that must close due to COVID-19, or for a FWS student who is employed by an employer that closes as a result of COVID-19, the institution may continue paying the student Federal work-study wages during that closure if it occurred after the beginning of the term, the institution is continuing to pay its other employees (including faculty and staff), and the institution continues to meet its institutional wage share requirement. Contact your financial aid office to ensure you are eligible for and receiving FWS wages under the new guidance.

CalWORKs Work Study: State law does not currently allow payment of CalWORKs work study wages if students are not actually working in their work study job. The Chancellor’s Office is currently working with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) for the authority to allow work study wages to continue to be paid during the COVID-19 crisis. We will update this website if this decision changes.  

EOPS Work Study: Federal law gives institutions the authority to make Federal Work Study payments to disaster-affected students under certain limited circumstances, and the US Department of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid has provided guidance addressing students receiving Federal Work Study who are unable to work due to COVID-19 closures (such as school or employer closures or student quarantines). These students may continue to be paid under certain circumstances. 

Enrollment Fees due to Withdrawals
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Colleges may refund student fees, including enrollment fees, if a student needs to withdraw due to an epidemic or other extraordinary conditions. Colleges should not record any withdrawal (W) or grade on the transcript of a student who withdraws under these circumstances. An excused withdrawal (EW) may be recorded; but in all cases, a withdrawal due to extraordinary conditions should not affect a student’s academic progress, academic probation, or ability to repeat a course. 

Transcript Requests
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There should be no disruption to transcript requests or deliveries during this health crisis. There may be slight delays during the first several weeks of transitioning to work off-site, but transcripts will continue to be sent upon request. Contact your registrar office via email or by phone for more information.

Grading Protocol
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Several changes have been implemented that recognize the challenges involved in the unexpected transition to online and distance learning: 

Retaking a Course:  Students can retake a course attempted during the pandemic and colleges are being directed to disregard the previous grade when computing a GPA once the course has been retaken and completed.

Deadlines for Pass/No Pass Grades: The deadline for selecting a pass or no pass option instead of a letter grade is being waived. Students should, however, be aware that the University of California and California State University systems require courses for a major to be completed with a letter grade and many transfer institutions restrict the number of transfer units that may be taken as P/NP.

Probation or Unsatisfactory Progress: ‘No pass’ grades will not be considered in probation and dismissal procedures.  Students attempting to complete a course under the current situation, rather than withdraw, will not be negatively affected should they ultimately be unable to successfully complete the course. 

Undocumented Students
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USCIS encourages those without permanent status who have symptoms that resemble COVID-19 to seek necessary medical treatment or preventive services.  The receipt of such treatment or preventive services will not be considered by USCIS as part of a future Public Charge analysis.

On March 13, USCIS announced that the agency will not consider: testing, treatment, or preventative care (including vaccines, if a vaccine becomes available) related to COVID – 19 in a public charge determination, even if such treatment is provided or paid for by one or more public benefits, as defined in the rule (e.g. federally funded Medicaid). Please visit the USCIS website for additional information. 

If you are an undocumented student that needs help navigating this challenging time, please visit the California Commuity Colleges Undocumented Student Resource page for the most up-to-date resources and information.